Plantation statistics like those prepared by Australia’s National Plantation Inventory (NPI) are often published every five years and are compiled from survey information provided by growers and managers. The NPI is used to support strategic forest industry planning and decision-making including log supply forecasts.

While this dataset is publicly available, the plantation extents are generalised, and currency quickly dates due to harvest activities and specific detail such as species and age class information omitted.

Our routines increase the value of these datasets by remapping plantation boundaries, and continuously tracking afforestation and harvesting activities.

The analytical layers produced provide current information on the planted area, its age-class distribution, past and current harvest levels and road distance to processing facilties. Using Indufor’s expertise in resource and forest estate modelling the outputs support decision-making processes by providing information necessary to update wood availability forecasts, or evaluate wood processing opportunities.

Indufor’s approach demonstrates how our expertise in forest estate modelling and resource monitoring creates the information required to support informed forest investment decisions.

Click here to access the interactive dashboard (recommend viewing the dashboard using a tablet or larger device).